Money and Morality in Higher Education. Seven Countries Case Studies.

How does the attribution of funds and their origin impact ethics in higher education? 52 This main question of this research paper leads us to ask three secondary questions: What is the evolution of the higher education domain? Who funds higher education and through what means? Is ethical commitment part of the funding strategies? This… Continue reading Money and Morality in Higher Education. Seven Countries Case Studies.

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Hans Küng and Prince Philip – two outstanding champions of global values

Tribute to Hans Küng … Hans Küng was a pioneer of global ethics and thus a key inspirational source for He died on 6 April 2021 at the age of 93. Hans Küng, professor of ecumenical theology, was one of the most outstanding Catholic theologians of the 20th century worldwide. He became famous with… Continue reading Hans Küng and Prince Philip – two outstanding champions of global values

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Coronavirus COVID-19: Let’s stay together – at a distance

Corona year two: remembering the values of year one. Let’s stay together – at a distance: This was my blog message last year – re-issued by the team at and still relevant. Dear Participants, I address this message in the form of a personal letter to all of you, the 200’000 in 200 countries and… Continue reading Coronavirus COVID-19: Let’s stay together – at a distance

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Bombay Management Association: Global Conclave on Ethics

Ethics forms the bedrock of principles based on which long lasting businesses are built. Business Ethics is a moral compass that guides the conduct of any business. It is a system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviour and decisions of a business organisation and the individuals within that  organisation.  It requires… Continue reading Bombay Management Association: Global Conclave on Ethics

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Creation, Cross and Holy Spirit

A glass window, done by Christoph Stückelberger in France and shipped to China. The window arch frame, to fit the church window, was complemented by Cui Wantian (Moses), artist and friend. The Art Work shows the four elements (bottom up): Earth (soil) in brown, Water in blue, Fire in red, Air in grey. They express… Continue reading Creation, Cross and Holy Spirit

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Globalance: Strategies of geo-political de-escalation

The escalation of conflicts is not a fate to be accepted. The ethics of Globalance requests to develop strategies of de-escalation: understanding the other is the first step – which means to be fair to others in recognizing their humanity. Encounter through dialogue is one of the most important steps to counter prejudices, which are… Continue reading Globalance: Strategies of geo-political de-escalation

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‘-Isms’ as threats to Globalance

Most of the worldviews ending with ‘-ism’ represent one-sided, ideological perspectives with a totalitarian tendency. An ideology is a worldview of ideas, values and beliefs, which is interpreting all aspects of reality in a way, which fits into one system and denies other parts of reality. The core values of these ideologies are ethically speaking… Continue reading ‘-Isms’ as threats to Globalance

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Globalance: Covid Balance of Freedom and Discipline

The Covid-19 pandemic is shaking the world. At hand, polarisation between those in favour or against masks and vaccines, populist leaders who do not care for their people, and an accelerated trade war between US and China. Asian countries with a high level of discipline seem to have mastered the pandemic better than western countries… Continue reading Globalance: Covid Balance of Freedom and Discipline

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